Sin’s Guide to Starting Out
Sin’s guide to starting out: Coaches
If you’re like me and don’t know anything about football, NFL blitz can be a confusing game. If I’m being honest, I only stay here for the drama… Anyhow here’s a guide for coaches as a new player coming into NFL Blitz.
The Gateway Drug – J.Cutty
If you are a new player reading this I’ll put my money that J.Cutlr welcomed you into the game of NFL Blitz. If you’re like me, he spent a lot of time with you patiently explaining how the game works and whether you caught the play or completely went off direction he showered you with praise. Every other play, he’ll ask if you have discord and you eventually take the leap of faith to join a random voice chat. Regardless, he pats you on the back and calls you a prodigy… I soon realized he does that for everyone and I wasn’t special. But that’s ok, you’re now fully roped into NFL Blitz and there’s no leaving now. Cutlr makes a great first coach. He seems like the only person in the league who has the patience to teach you the rules of the game. On top of that, he’s a QB (quarterback) so it makes a perfect fit for any new RB or WR (that’s you!). Once you’ve learned you’re 90 ups, i5s, and stairs it’s time for you to graduate and meet your next master.
Master of Catching – WCK
WCK is usually very quiet but when it comes to new players he’s vocally calm, kind and supportive. If Cutty was your new-to-game coach, WCK is a great mid-game coach. WCK is most well known for his catches and as soon as your ass gets covered (no more being nice to the new guy) the scourge spawn becomes a lot more important. The WCK Coaching Academy helps you understand the distance of when the ball becomes a scourge (catchable) and you get the rare opportunity to learn how to “moss” other players. The scourge spawn becomes almost randomly displaced when a unit sits on top of the spawn, but soon you learn there’s a pattern. With enough practice, you’ll be catching more balls. When WCK becomes frustrated with you, it’s time to learn some defence.
Blitzing blitzer – Lemnos
After your 4th down or getting your ball intercepted you are now defending the opposing team from scoring in your end zone. If I’m honest, Lemnos never actually coached me and rarely says hi to me, but through the advice of WCK I’ve spent a lot of time watching Lemnos on defence. While his offence is questionable, his defence is one of the best no doubt. From line-hopping to ball-sacking of the QB, watching how Lemnos stay close and abuse the defensive line will help you become a solid blitzer. The most important to keep note is that when you do linehop it’s important to act clueless and occasionally gaslight. If it wasn’t for him I’m not sure what our defence on TTT would have looked like against the eggheads.
Q&A Legend – Rarrar
Now when I say “legend” I like to take the definition from Webster’s dictionary as “an explanatory list of the symbols on a map or chart”. There are quite a lot of different plays for offence and defence. I personally get confused quite a bit especially after not playing for a while. The person who’s always open to questions is Dan. My only tip is to remind him to slow down his plays and give you an opportunity to ask questions before he types “h”. Communicating is very important with Rarrar otherwise he will also get frustrated with you if you do a random route.
Master Baiter – Teeoh
After you drop the ball a couple of times on offence, you automatically become the lure/bait for the rest of the game. While you’re still new, your QB will usually give you the lure for you to play. The most consistent lures I’ve gotten from was Teeoh. Sometimes other QBs will forget or give you crappy lures leaving your teammate in a 2v1 catchball, but Tony does not miss a beat. Sometimes it is too fast so do ask him to repeat your play.
Now that you’ve learned the game, there are a few people to avoid playing with to keep your spirits up as the new rookie. These consist of highly competitive players who don’t enjoy playing with new players or have “unique” personality traits that I’ve only seen online.
Sigh… Prism is a great player to watch to learn however no player would be great without a competitive edge. That also means that he’ll remind you of the mistake you made 3-4 times and if you really fucked up he’ll let out a soul-sucking sigh. On occasions, he’ll make a comment before insta-leaving voice chat then make the same comment in text just in case you forgot. If you’re still new to blitz I’d distance myself from Prism or play when Duxor is around to balance out the “vibes”.
He never talks on voice. At this stage, you want to build some relationships with other blitzers, I’d recommend you spend more time with your coaches or teammates if you’ve gotten drafted.
Seems like a nice guy after a couple of drinks. I haven’t seen him wanting to play with new players. Sigh….
While players individually are great sometimes when you mix some players together you get sandwiched between toxicity. Here are players you generally don’t want to mix:
- Jcultr & Teeoh
- Prism & Jcultr
- Dan & Prism
- Prism & fried Ocho
- Ocho vs Jcutlr
I think you’re set. Jokes aside, NFL blitz is a fun thriving community with chill members dearly holding onto the nostalgia of the game, look we even got a website! With this guide, you’ll be a star rookie like myself with a 100% win rate. Just remember to keep your chin up, keep practicing your catches on WCK Catching Academy and don’t let your QB gaslight you for their poor plays. Soon enough you’ll become the starter and rising up in the leagues. I look forward to seeing you on the field.
- Sin