The UnderDawg’s Story

Welcome back to “Navigating the Blitz,” where we delve deep into the journeys of our guests from their humble beginnings to their current heights in the league. As we kick off our highly anticipated second season, we’re bringing you fresh insights and stories from new players who are shaping the game.

Join us as we navigate through the twists and turns of the league midway through, with plenty of thrilling action and pivotal games still ahead. Get ready to uncover the strategies, challenges, and triumphs that define our guests’ paths to success. Stay tuned for an exciting lineup of new interviews that promise to inspire and enlighten. This is “Navigating the Blitz,” season 2 – where every story is a play waiting to unfold.

In today’s episode, we sit down with Cutler, known affectionately as Chef Cutty, a seasoned player whose path from choosing his alias to leading on the field mirrors his evolution in the game. From his early days as a fan of Jay Cutler to becoming a respectable force in the league, Cutler has navigated challenges and victories alike, all while shaping the next generation of players. Join us as we uncover his playbook, his passions, and his vision for the future in this exclusive interview.

Ep 11 – Navigating the Blitz with Cutler: The UnderDawg’s Story

Please introduce yourself. What led you to choose Jay Cutler as your alias? What qualities do you admire in him?

My name is J.Cutler aka J.Cutty/Cutty, I chose J.cutler Back in middles school because at the time he was broncos QB and I had faith in him when others didn’t. he had a rocket for an arm but he tend to throw ill advised ints.. I chose to keep that name because he may of had his mistakes but he went on to become Chicago’s leader in passing yards! he perfectly represents me in the Now .. “started from the bottom now we here” 🤣

From your early days playing Blitz to now passing on your knowledge to your son, what makes NFL Blitz so significant to you? What continues to motivate you to play today?

No comment.

How did you feel when you found out you weren’t selected as one of the six captains this season? If you were to advocate for becoming a captain next season, what would be your pitch? Why should players choose to play under your leadership?

I feel I was always under the community radar, in regards to my skill.. which due to me not getting captain again this season, I feel as if I have started to truly prove myself, first being my domination in preseason, and now being Phin’s world.

Your recent season debut against Phin’s World showcased consistent and high-quality performance throughout the entire 40-minute game. What was your strategy going into that match, and why do you believe you were so successful that evening?

So my strategy going into that game was, I slowed my play calling down and treated the game more as a Chess match. Made it confusing for opponent if was doing a run, play action, or pass by using the play clock down to the end of most my plays, which is why I was mostly successful that night.

Do you believe you deserve more playing time at QB/WR? If you weren’t part of the TTT, which team do you think would be the best fit for your skills?

As for do I believe I deserve more starting time after beating a 9-0 team… the answer is yes… or at least WR or RB, which ironically has caused some internal beef from my teammate, Ocho, which he has stated that “we both know I’m not as good as him…” which my answer to that is , let the stats answer themselves lol. We are doing a grudge match tomorrow to apparently hereby state who is officially the better QB 🤣Additionally on topic of wanting to play more, if I had to pick on which team would fit me better.. I would definitely say my own team, The , “UnderDawgs” hehe, with Wck as WR and either Prism or Wayne as RB.

How would you describe your vibes within the TTT locker room? Any insights to Duxor’s leadership?

As for dux and prism I got ❤️ for dem both . dux is a great captain and prism we have our ups and downs but he gives me great constructive criticism.

It’s known that you spend considerable time developing innovative plays in the lab. One of your recent and widely used creations is the post dip play. Could you describe your creative process behind developing this play?

As for my playbook(s), I really enjoy trying to make new plays. It’s almost a form of Art. And I am honored my post dip play is used by many players! Speaking of dip plays, I have created 2 more dip like plays so yall will be seeing that soon enough 🙂

The community has recognized your ongoing efforts in discovering and mentoring new talents such as Sin, MA, Joe, and others within the server. What motivates you to teach and develop new players beyond just enjoyment?

As for teaching new people, it can be very hard to teach someone these days, especially if I type I spend like 20 minutes teaching someone and they jus up and leave 😮 What motivated me to teach more, is seeing a new players progression and getting to see the rare quick learning players like MA and SIN.

In the current NFL Blitz meta, who do you consider your biggest rival? Is there anyone specific you’d like to challenge or acknowledge?

I would say my biggest rival would have to be… hmm, I guess Phin’s World? Since I am 1-1 against them and they are the ones to beat :p as well as the newly beef created by OcHO “SiNkHoLe” haha 😄I want to be real honest and say due to my social life being none existent due to me having skin cancer, I really treasure the blitz community and me teaching new players is a way to give back to community for sure.Thanks if you made it this far yall…

Thank you all for tuning in to another episode of Navigating the Blitz!